
試作已經完成 The test weaving is finished

The test weaving is finished today. The warp is 10/2 black cotton. The wefts are reflective, luminous and UV yarns. The simple camera can only captures the effect of the reflective yarn. It is difficult to show the luminous part through my camera. If you can see it in person, can experience the subtle effect.


正常光線時 normal light

使用閃光燈時 use flash
It is luxurious for me to try on different warps on different Jacquard looms in one month. Now this is time to decide and prepare the design of the future projects. There are rough ideas in my mind already. After several testings I will know the possibilities of those ideas.



圍巾完成 Finishing of two scarfs

Even though the test weaving on the SAMTEX loom is not finished yet, I decide to stay at home to do the finishing of the two scarfs. First, sew the hems by hand and twist the fringe. Then, hand wash it gently and spin it dry. Right after it is spun dry, iron it. When the scarf is finished, it become softer and shining. Especially the loose spun silk yarn gives gentle shine. The client wants black or dark color scarf. The grey scarf is too wide and heavy. I am not sure the client will like it or not. The green one has lightly spun silk weft that make the whole piece is not so heavy.  The grey scarf 's weft is tightly spun silk cord which makes the piece give a different hand feeling.



織完兩條圍巾 Two scarfs woven

In my computer dobby class nine students share three compu-dobby looms. Last week I sign up three and half meter's warp for a commission piece. The commission piece change from door curtain to scarfs. Today I spend whole day ( more than 8 hours) to weave two scarfs. This is not easy to my arms and legs.
The silk weft is dyed with black acid dye; but is not dark enough. Black is a difficult color to dye. It needs more dye stuff and chemical than other color. Normally black yarn and fabric will have more chemical and dye residue. Therefore this not-so-black yarn is better to our body. The design is rather simple. Material, proper structure and density are more important than the pattern regarding a functional hand woven fabric.
Tomorrow these two scarfs will be wet finished and finish the fringe.


新的測試 More test weaving

More test weaving to do. This time I try the SAMTEX loom which has black warp. The wefts are reflective yarn, UV and luminous yarn. At this moment, it looks just like normal monochrome image. I expect it will show different images under different light sources.
前幾天做了一個測試的檔案,今天開始織作。織布機是法國的SAMTEX 電腦提花手織機,機上的經線是黑色棉線(10/2),緯線有反光線、夜光線及變色線。目前的畫面就是一般的黑白圖片,希望完成後在不同光線下,會呈現出不同畫面。

Regarding the Jacquard mechanical system, this loom is very reliable. But....when the loom is running, it generates loud noise and vibration. Therefore we installed air mounts to absorb the low frequency vibration.


夾織 Inlay or brocade?

專有名詞「夾織」在英文中有 inlay 及 brocade兩種,通常brocade是指夾織的緯線是由布邊到布邊全面地夾入底組織,而 inlay 則是夾織的緯線只在需要的部分來回穿梭;但是在許多提花課程或書籍中則都只用brocade一詞。這次的試作是 inlay 的技法,夾織的緯線繞在小板梭上,在圖案範圍內織作,有點類似綴織。依圖案的分布情況,可能同時需要13個小板梭,也可能只需要2個。此次夾織緯線是反光線,當有強光照射時,會有光芒反射。底組織的經緯線是透明線,所以有半透明的效果。
The test piece is finished. The reflective weft is inlaid onto the transparent web. Some people might think it is embroidered onto the web. When doing inlay, many small shuttles are needed. It is similar to tapestry weaving. For this case, I used 13 small shuttles at one time to weave some complex areas.


試驗夾織 Experiment of inlay weaving

Today the transparent warp of the Jacq3G Jacquard hand loom is ready for weaving. For this warp, image is inlaid onto the transparent background. In the photos the translucent background is hard to show. It is also difficult to see the yarn during weaving.


Recently I am doing experiment of various special yarns. They are all related with light. It is hard to record the effect by camera. This is the piece woven last week. It will has color changing effect.


好冷 It is very cold!

It is very cold today. Shally wore hand-made rain suit when we walked to the school. One old guy in the grocery store smiled and commented with four letter word.

I started a test weaving about special yarns on TC-1 Jacquard loom in school. It is on the half way. The image here only shows various white yarns and stainless steel. When the light changes, the woven piece will has different colors appear. The weaving will be finished this weekend and I can test it with special light. I am looking forward to see it. For the warping of the Jacq3G at home, it is going like a inch worm. There are 520 ends waiting for tying.


又是整經 More warping

At Wednesday night I started to dress the Jacq3G after the transparent thread arrived. The transparent thread is invisible and slippery and it is difficult to do the sectional warping. Last night the warp beam was dressed finally. Because the transparent thread is so slippery, I think that I will have difficult time in tying of the old warp and the new warp.


電腦提花手織機 Three Jacquard hand looms

沒錯,有一點瘋狂。現在學校有TC-1 及SAMTEX共兩台,家裡有一台新的AVL Jacq3G。事實上每部電腦提花手織機都有優缺點,各有用途,所以很難說那一廠牌的機器最好。如果有經費的話,就可以提供藝術家駐校創作;目前僅能出租給藝術家駐校創作。
There are two computer Jacquard hand looms in our school's studio. One is Norwegian TC-1 and the other is French SAMTEX loom. In my home studio there is a AVL Jacq3G. Each loom has its good and not-so-good characters. It is difficult to say which one is the best. We hope to run a visiting artist program if we can afford the funding.
TC-1, 880 hooks, 28" wide, 30e.p.i.

SAMTEX loom, 1728 hooks, weaving width: 150cm, 100cm, 73cm, 54cm.

AVL Jacq3G , 1200 hooks,  weaving width: 40", 30"....


雪莉的反光背心 Reflective safety vest for Shally

雪莉喜歡待在戶外,住家恰在馬路邊,來往車輛快,為安全起見,用反光線幫她織做反光背心。 Shally like to stay outside all night. For the sake of safety, I used reflective yarn to weave safety vest for her.
This is the first version which is not easy to put on and take off.

The second version of reflective safety vest has Velcro closure for easy wearing.


繼續整經 Warping continued

This time two bad ends are removed and re-sley the reed. We cast out 13 hooks already. Therefore this warp has 867 ends. It takes hours to tie the new warp to the old warp. Today I finish the tying.

整經 Sectional warping

前陣子將家裡AVL Jacq3G提花機的線織完後,新線材還沒送來。思考過後決定可再試試白色經線,所以一早就到學校著手整經。法國SAMTEX提花機上還有黑色經線,剩下挪威TC-1可用。預計整約24碼長,先捲好32捲線,裝設好再繞在經軸上。間隔整經的好處是可以一人獨力完成張力平均的既長又寬的經線。下午因為許經理來修理電腦刺繡機,事情處理完才又繼續,所以只捲好一半的間隔,明天再繼續!

圖片中靠後面有黑色經線的是法國SAMTEX提花機,前面銀色機體的是TC-1。TC-1原本並沒有間隔整經的裝置,後來請金工的學生幫忙改裝成珠寶級的經軸 ,然後借用AVL的張力控制盒,再七拼八湊成堪用的間隔整經設備。
The TC-1 did not has the sectional warp beam originally. Three years ago, we changed it to sectional warp beam. By using AVL tension box , tray, home-made spool rack, the warping works fine. Thanks to Sandra Rude's idea, I use plastic tubes as divider and it works.



新開張,作品「時空」換復刻版 A new "Time & Space" is installed


Today my students, carpenter and me took down the faded "Time & Space" and installed a new one.


