
Bags made from handwoven fabric 手織布製成的斜肩包和手機袋

Today three small bags and one phone pocket are finished. Finishing takes much longer time than weaving. It includes sewing, knotting and needle weaving. Those bags are woven for the coming intensive weaving workshop. Three over shoulder bags have simple plain weave structure. The line, dots and column are created by different color sequences. The phone pocket has 2/2 twill structure. The different color sequence creates triangular form unlike the plain weave.


Tests of Shaft-switching weaving 移綜織法測試

For the coming weaving workshop, some tests of the shaft-switching techniques were made. Two totes are sewn from the hand woven fabric.


纖維藝術創作工作營成果 Fiber art workshop

At the last month of year 2012, we had a fiber art workshop and this is the accomplishment.

Workshop instructor: artist, Gao Yuan.