
夾織 Inlay or brocade?

專有名詞「夾織」在英文中有 inlay 及 brocade兩種,通常brocade是指夾織的緯線是由布邊到布邊全面地夾入底組織,而 inlay 則是夾織的緯線只在需要的部分來回穿梭;但是在許多提花課程或書籍中則都只用brocade一詞。這次的試作是 inlay 的技法,夾織的緯線繞在小板梭上,在圖案範圍內織作,有點類似綴織。依圖案的分布情況,可能同時需要13個小板梭,也可能只需要2個。此次夾織緯線是反光線,當有強光照射時,會有光芒反射。底組織的經緯線是透明線,所以有半透明的效果。
The test piece is finished. The reflective weft is inlaid onto the transparent web. Some people might think it is embroidered onto the web. When doing inlay, many small shuttles are needed. It is similar to tapestry weaving. For this case, I used 13 small shuttles at one time to weave some complex areas.

