
作品的不同光照效果 Light effects

Today a new UV light bulb is finally arrived. The result is quite beyond my expectation. Maybe the light wave is not correct. I expect there is red color image on the right side; but it is blue. Strange thing is the camera does capture several red color. I had tried other UV light and was not working at all. This one is almost correct. After searching the UV light recently, I find there are many kinds of UV light for very different purposes.

今天終於收到新的 UV 燈管,前一陣子測試的作品在這燈光照射下的結果出乎意料之外,應該出現紅色圖案的地方結果是藍色,可是相機倒是補捉到一點紅色。可能波長不對吧,最近搜尋許多UV 燈的資料,才發覺這種燈類型還蠻多,功能差異很大,也買過一些不適合的UV 燈。

白光normal light
閃光flash light

UV光UV light

白光normal light

UV光UV light

無光no light

