Finally the first panel of "Wall of Tree" was re-woven. When I started to weave this piece, I knew the length of the rest of the warp was not so sure; but still wove it. It was very difficult to weave the final part. The short warp made the warp thread lifting very hard and had uneven tension. A new idea came to my mind. In stead of cutting the old warp before tying a new warp; do the tying first, then keep weaving the old warp to its very end. From the photo below you can find this situation. I don't recommend this way of weaving. Because I don't have time to re-do this piece again, therefore this is an alternative way. I did get the length I need.
After tying two sets of warp, the weaving kept going. 把新、舊經線接好後,繼續織。
The piece was finished. The black new warp was drawn through reed.