
蝴蝶蘭 Phalaenopsis

The metal threads I use are coated copper or steel. The color palette is limited to few basic colors. The minimal order of one color coated copper is several hundred kilos. Therefore just pick the color that I can find.
目前使用的金屬線有漆包線和彩色不鏽鋼線,能找到的顏色只有這些。漆包線無法訂製色彩,除非你一個顏色需要幾百公斤,所以只好買零頭的線,拿到甚麼顏色就靠運氣。今天 織的蝴蝶蘭是用這些顏色混出來的,並不太真實。

It is challenging to create proper color combination from these colors. Here is today's weaving--Phalaenopsis of imaginative colors.

