Last month I wove several scarfs. Some of them are "sample" scarf which are cluster of samples for teaching. The material of this one is 100% cashmere bought from China. The fabric did not change a bit after washing (fulling)! This is really strange. Is it really natural fiber?
The trial of paper yarn divider is woven and finished with parts from Ikea. This is the look of the bottom part.
The paper yarn is bought from a hand weaving company many years ago. The company was specialized in weaving kimono fabric and obi. This is the close up of the fabric. It has nice crisp texture.
After finishing the black warp of the big dobby loom, I start to do the warping of my Jacq3G. This time is stainless steel warp. Now I have three kinds of cone rack for different type of cone. The right one is a home-made rack for metal thread cone. The center one is for hand wound spools and has horizontal setting. The left one is for half pound cone. The cone is set vertically. At the back there are ladder and a AVL warping wheel which I rarely use.
終於輪到家裡的提花機 ,這次要試不銹鋼經線。間隔整經時需要放置紗線筒的架子,陸續添加後,目前已有三種型態:右邊的線架是自己做的,特別配合金屬線筒紗常見的形狀和尺寸、中間較小的是用來放手捲的紗筒、左邊是請師傅製作的架子,專門放上窄下寬的小紗筒﹝半磅裝﹞。背後是梯子和AVL特有的整經輪。
I need to put some devices to make cross for the warp. This is the first time to use this tension box after sitting in box for four years. Because of the metal thread and the awkward of the tension box, the warping process took longer time than usual.