This week I finish two hats made of hand-woven fabric. The fabric has UV thread as weft. Therefore the white hats will "blossom" under sun light. It is cheerful to have these accessories when we saw so many disastrous news recently. It was a cloudy day when I took the photos. The color of flower will be stronger if it is a sunny day.
手織書 Woven pages
The work of this week was warping a white warp to replace the transparent warp on the Jacq 3G at home. This is the advantage of having double warp beams. A regular yarn is much easier to winding and knotting!! The first trial of this white warp is a woven book. There are four pages woven today. The symbols are brocaded. You can find the back of the fabric has long float. That is the characteristic of the brocade fabric. The lower part of the fabric is a test weaving for finding aspect ratio, proper weft and setting the auto cloth advance system. The Jacq 3G has auto cloth advance system which I like very much. The pages are soft and thick which are very different from paper.
這星期把家裡的提花機整上新的白經線,另一捲透明經線只用了一點點,還是先暫停。因為有雙經軸,所以可以這樣處理。經常整奇怪的線材後,會覺得一般的線材實在太好整經了!!!通常一個人間隔整經20多碼、30英吋寬,包含捲線、綁線等步驟,約需要兩個工作天。先嘗試「手織書」,今天織完四頁。注音符號的部份是用夾織技法,從布的背面可以看到浮線,這是夾織的特徵。布塊的下半部是測試,用來找出正確經緯比、適當線材及調整緯密控制的設定。Jacq 3G 有緯密控制器及自動捲布機制,如果一開始設定好,織作時會很暢快,是我很喜歡的功能。今天織完四頁,手感和紙張很不同。
front 前面
back 背面
after stitched 縫合後
無奈的雪莉 Shally is not appreciated
An article said that dogs and cats will use mouth to hold their kids to show their love!(?) Today I try to do that to Shally (not my mouth, of course). She is not appreciated.
An article said that dogs and cats will use mouth to hold their kids to show their love!(?) Today I try to do that to Shally (not my mouth, of course). She is not appreciated.
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